Good Morning, Board of Directors, PTA Members, Faculty, Family, Friends, but most importantly my brothers and sisters of the graduating class of 2016, La 26.


Promo, today, July 27th 2016, marks both the end of one era and the beginning of another. Today we finish the last chapter of the only book we’ve known so far: school life. It’s funny how, during our elementary years, the white shirt years, we only looked at each other as classmates, but not as part of the same class, not as a family.


Instead, high school changed that for us. Every day we’ve spent together since that morning we first put on our blue shirts and   mom wouldn’t stop taking pictures, has had something memorable about it. From freshman to senior year, we’ve shared many experiences together; some great and others not so great, but in the end they’ve made us who we are today, members of one big family.


It is no secret to anyone that part of these not so great situations have to do with the crisis our country is going through. I am sure many of you might be thinking of all the times you’ve heard this same discourse over and over again, but I’m not here to list every bad thing, we’ve had enough of that. Instead, I’m here to propose solutions.

For the past 17 years, we have served as mere witnesses of ongoing crimes  against our country, carried out by a government that has done nothing but destroy the values and ideals that Venezuelans once stood for, and that our parents and grandparents fell in love with.  Never forget what Profesor Tabares told us, we are a teeny tiny percentage of our nation’s population and, in consequence, we are very far from living what most of the Venezuelans are currently living. However, you must not feel like that is your fault; it isn’t. What could be in fact your fault is having the abilities and means of helping out and not doing so, for whatever reason.


We have the privilege of being able to travel outside of our country, see new places, explore cultures, and meet people. Even so, for a large group of us this will become a reality in a matter of days when we embark in the new chapter of life that is college. Wherever you end up, be it the United States, France, Spain, Holland, Colombia or even Hong Kong; or whether you’ve decided to stay here, make sure that you set a goal that will allow you to aid in the betterment of the place we all call home. In order to do so we must start by improving ourselves, and for that I’ve come up with a list of lessons that I know will be useful all throughout our future lives:

  • Read. Enrich your mind, and never stop being curious. Curiosity is the most powerful thing you own.
  • Learn. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you. Life will always teach you new things.
  • Work hard. Nothing worth having comes easy. Don’t take yourself or what you’re capable of for granted and be ambitious.
  • Speak out. Don’t limit yourself from expressing your thoughts, regardless of how crazy you might think they are or how many people have had them before you. Let others know about your opinions and ideas. It is no surprise to me then, that with a lot of determination and the help of Ms. Maria Teresa we were able to become the first class in Colegio Jefferson to make a Model United Nations happen in our school, we hope to have begun a tradition that will remain for many years to come.
  • Stand out. Never settle for the ordinary and always set the bar higher. Be the best in everything you can, strive for everyone around you to know who you are and what you’ve accomplished. But most importantly, make yourself and those who matter to you proud.
  • Be grateful. Do not forget that you are sitting there right now thanks to an incredible group of people that made everything possible: your parents, family, friends, and teachers. Always remember where you come from, and carry your country with you everywhere you go. Be proud to say you’re Venezuelan.



 I would like to make a quick remark, and reminisce about that first history class in our first week as high schoolers, when the professor told us he would  see us in our graduation “but only if we made it to 5to ano”, many things have changed since then, but here we are today, July 27th 2016, and I’m happy to say we made it.

Before I conclude, I specifically would like to thank you, mom and dad, for giving me the opportunity to be a part of this school, and thank you Colegio Jefferson for teaching me everything I know today.


Sometimes it’s the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination, and in all honesty, I am forever grateful to all of you present here today for one amazing journey. Coming from the Promocion 26  I have no doubt that we will all go very far, and the future will exceed not only our own, but everyone’s expectations.

Here’s to you 26,

Thank you